
standing far away from the normal society

my mom feels safer when i travel, cos at least when i'm away, my life is insured. sometimes life can be such a joke, pulling your leg in any way possible. the day you find out you haven't been covered for the past 2 or 3 years you start wondering what you've been doing.

the rosy insurance lady said "how can you be living like that?"
i said i don't know. i think i was living, somehow?
isn't happiness all that matters?
"there's reality darling. the real world, you know?"

i don't know much about the real world. maybe it's a sign that i should head off somewhere. i feel happier when i'm away. i think distance plays a part in making everything beautiful.

till the day i get my insurance, i'm not covered.
so if i die tomorrow, you know i love you.


cheri joan said...

Now I know why we are family...
I always felt I don't fit into this 'normal' society...
I belong to the‘变态’forest of Nodame...
I had no insurance for years after my last one lapsed...
I came to realised it's not for the dead...
but for the living...that I will leave behind...
So I bought insurance for the sake of my Dad...

Missey Lee said...

i love you !

Anonymous said...

vente chaussures homme pas cher ! Des Petits Prix Toute l'Année.