
in chinese,
to "ask" is written as "问" >> a "口" (mouth) within a "门" (door);
the word for "entrance" is "门口"

standing at the entrance, i was tempted to ask if anyone wanted to come out and play. i wanted to know why the door was made up of two uneven parts. i wanted to find out what's on the other side. i wanted to make this my secret hiding place.


lonely sukiyaki

i arrived 2 mins before last order (thankful that they didn't turn me away). as much as i've gotten used to eating alone at swee choon or anywhere else, this was probably the first time i sat for a pretty elaborate meal - in a cold empty restaurant - all by myself. interstingly, i paid more attention to my sukiyaki than any other time i had had it.

i love to coat my enoki mushrooms & beef slices with raw egg.


relief rain

When the clouds can no longer hold the water droplets, relief rain begins to fall... it was a very long afternoon. just like all other sunday afternoons. nothing seems to change.


almond flavoured clouds

dear pennylane, i saw our clouds! they were accompanied by large tear-drop crystals. it felt totally surreal.


SG - geodistance

After measuring my walking distance with a sewing thread on street directory (scale 1:7500), shaunny boy introduced me to geodistance where I could do it online. Okay I'm doing this measurement for the sake of irene dearest - who refused to believe that singapore is tiny. heee.. very fun!